Category: news

Souvenir Postcards

Reduction linoprint postcards commemorating the cultural edifices of the Commonwealth of New Bayswater, a collaboration with the esteemed Jessee Lee Johns for the visa office. I was visa issuer for the day, with instant passport pictures made on the spot. Postcard packs and passport photos available by request.

The Monster of Her Age

This month a young adult novel by Australian author Danielle Binks came out, with an image on the cover that I made. Danielle and her editor at Hachette worked with me throughout the process, and the brief had lots of detail about the main characters Ellie and Riya. We had to narrow down an image […]

Special Delivery

This week Rabble Books & Games have begun offering free home delivery to people in self-isolation or social distancing mode. Nat asked for a lighthearted drawing in the style of Lucy Cousins’ Maisy, so I drew Pip in her favourite pink fluffy vest. Many retailers (including the bookshops I work in) are taking measures to […]

Australian picture book covers translated into Noongar Language by Cassie Lynch and illustrated by Anne Barnetson

Kaya Bandang! (Hello everyone!) Illustrator Anne Barnetson and writer Cassie Lynch have brought best-loved picture books and Aboriginal languages together for this special series in honour of Children’s Book council of Australia’s Book Week 2019. Cassie is a descendent of the Noongar people and translated the titles of these famous picture books into the Noongar […]