Libby Lawrence
Cover design created for Libby Lawrence is Good At Pretending, by Jodi McAlister. Published by Wakefield Press 2022. Digital illustration made in procreate.
Customer Service Wolf : The Book!
The Customer Service Wolf comics were published by Affirm Press on November 26th, 2019. The book is no longer available, but you can read Customer Service Wolf in the webcomic archive.
Australian picture book covers translated into Noongar Language
Writer and Academic Cassie Lynch and I collaborated on a series of illustrations, with some much-loved Australian picture books translated into Noongar language (Wirlak), to celebrate the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Book Week 2019 and coinciding with the United Nations International Year of Indigenous Languages. We reconfigured the coat of arms to feature Josephine from […]
Robert Dessaix
A sketch on a paper bag in ballpoint pen from a photograph. Biro is one of my favourite tools to draw with, since you can layer crosshatching and build up tone.
The Sea by John Banville (paperback)
One of Julian’s favourite books, and a surprise for him.
A piece created for the inaugural Aperture Gallery group show, Ghosts, Spirits and Guardians, October 2017. A playful take on perfectionism done in the trompe l’oeil style, this well-thumbed paperback has all sorts of uses.
Author Portrait: Julia Leigh
Julia Leigh is an Australian author and filmmaker and her work is among my best loved. Disturbing, macabre, lethally clever. I think about her writing long after I’ve finished.
Between a Wolf and a Dog
The cover design for this novel is so beautiful, and the prose is too. I very much enjoyed this book by the late Georgia Blain, shortlisted for the the 2017 Stella Prize.
I’m keeping a record of all the books I finish in 2017, by drawing them across a big sheet of paper, postage-stamp sized. I hope to fill it up before the year is done.
The Wanderers
A sublimely clever novel about simulation, memory, regret and space travel. I enjoyed the big questions Meg Howrey’s book made me think about. I challenged myself to replicate the starry cover of the US edition in overlapping pointillist washes.